Sunday, 25 April 2010

Question 64

Would the world be a worse place if religion were abolished tomorrow?


  1. I think that the world would likely be a better place if religion were abolished tomorrow. Religion divides the people because, like every form of power, it often generates violence and intolerance.
    In my opinion religion is something invented by man only to justify "in the name of God" some wrong behaviours.

  2. Try to keep the verb and object together, Aleph. "In my opinion religion is something invented by man only to justify certain forms of misbehaviour "in the name of God"."

  3. I don't think so. I simply don't think possible "abolishe" something proceeding from human heart - and religious feelings are, like love passion ecc. In fact we have social rules about love relationships, too.
    Maybe we only need more democracy, ever.

  4. An interesting comparison, Gioia, though I don't know how well it holds up: everyone needs love and seeks passion but many people survive happily without religion, which suggests to me that religion is more an attempt to rationalise (an emotional crutch)than the expression of an instinctive need ["I simply don't think it's possible to "abolish" something proceeding from the human heart - and religious feelings are, like love, passion, etc."]

  5. My experience says that religious feelings proceed from heart (I mean it!), but surely human heart has very different needs, people has.
    We mix feelings up with sacred cow... so, I think that society cannot abolish deep feelings, if ever can control the power of churches. Society should require that any religion dogma RESPECT democracy and equality, and compassion for living beings.

    And what about my macaronic english..?

  6. Your English is a bit rusty, Gioia, but you communicate quite well. Check that my corrections correspond to what you wanted to say: "My experience says that religious feelings proceed from the heart (I mean it!), but surely the human heart has very different needs, people have. We mix feelings up with sacred cows... so, I think that society cannot abolish deep feelings, even if it wants to control the power of the churches. Society should require every religion to RESPECT democracy, equality and compassion for living beings."

  7. It would be a better place. I hope so for the new generation.In Italy that pope says always something against omosexuality and condom! It is really sordid!!!!!
